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6 Cool Basic HTML Effects

It's no wonder that HTML can do some stuff that we might even think that it is an external library. If efficiently used we can even hack NASA (I'm just kidding). So let's look into some cool features of HyperText Markup Language.

1. Color Picker

Create a color picker by simply using the <input> tag and giving it a property of type=’color’.

2. Accordion

The <summary> tag defines a visible heading for the <details> element.

The heading can be clicked to view/hide the details.

Before opening
after opening

You can create simple accordions using this method, without the need to implement CSS classes and JavaScript click handlers that toggle visibility whenever clicked.

3. Make a call

Call someone direct from your website.

4. Progress bar

You can use the <progress> element which will represent the completion of something.

5. Autocomplete

The <datalist> tag is used to provide an “autocomplete” feature for the <input> elements.

We can see a drop-down of predefined options as you type.

6. Emoji

Many UTF-8 characters cannot be typed on a keyboard. Some keyboards and devices also do not have an emoji input. However, emojis can always be displayed using numbers (known as ‘entity numbers’).

We can use this method to produce emojis in HTML.


Here we discussed a few HTML-only things that might save you time, and avoid the need to complicate things by incorporating CSS and JavaScript.

I hope you have found this useful. Were any of these tips new to you? If so, be sure to let us know in the comments.


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